For busy professionals and businesspersons, timing the market and staying updated about the finance world is a tedious task. Hence, we often depend on financial experts and CA’s who time the market in real-time and help us plan our financial goals. MarketSquawk is a financial website that provides its users with live financial market information that helps traders and investors make better financial decisions and mark profits. Our client from London had the vision to make financial news accessible to all by presenting it in a simple yet engaging way through this website.
The team at MarketSquawk consists of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who have in-depth information about the market. They also have a research team that analyzes and scrutinizes major newswires, television channels, websites, and blogs to bring real-time news to their customers. Investors have to select a subscription pack suiting their needs, fill in their details, make the payment, and enjoy a live audio newsfeed in their accounts. They also have access to exclusive blogs and stories of different sectors updated daily by the admin.
UI/UX (Design)
Our UI/UX designers worked hard to create a design for this website that was responsive and pixel-perfect. There were no other frameworks or third-party libraries used for this website development. It was entirely designed in custom CSS to make the design process less complicated and reach the next development stage sooner.
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Do you need a similar project to The MarketSquawk
When MarketSquawk approached us, they already had a website but, it was obsolete and wasn’t bringing in any traffic and results that they expected. That’s when our skilled web developers and project managers discussed all the possible solutions and came up with this new website which lists all of their company’s features and brings the desired profit.
The website’s user interface has been developed in React and the backend in Laravel. The audio scripts provided by the client were in jQuery format, and it was a challenge for our website developers to convert those into React format. Also, the admin panel helped our client upload informative blogs, approve requests of users, and answer their questions.

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